Monday, August 1, 2016



1.         Background
            Language is one of the most important things in communication and it is used as a tool of communication 
among the nations all over the world. By the language, the human relations can be established and we can
 interact with other. Beside that, through the language we can convey ideas, messages, intentions, feelings 
and opinions on others. Without language, there will be no communication between the humans.
In this world there are thousands of languages ​​to communicate. To do communicate we need a unifying language, 
reading, the students can acquire a valuable source of information that can improve their thinking to generate ideas 
and solve problems.one of them is English. Therefore, English is called a lingua franca as the international language. 
 In Indonesia, 
English is considered as the first foreign language and taught formally from junior high school up to the university level.
 In learning English, there are four skills that should be mastered, namely: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 
          Reading is one of the students’ difficulties in learning of the language. Reading English is difficult because 
english is not a main language for Indonesian students and the students find difficulties in reading because reading 
is the interpretation of the meaning of the printed symbols. Beside that, the students get difficulties because they 
have limit vocabularies and low grammar ability. The purpose of reading is to capture the idea of the texts. By 
          In this study, researcher will use the descriptive methods to know the students’ difficulties directly at the eleventh grade students of SMA Lubuklinggau. The researcher will take 10 students from 32 students at the eleventh grade students of SMA Lubuklinggau as the subject of the research. In collecting the data, the researcher uses the objective test in form multiple choice that consist 20 items and interview the students to Analysis the Students’ Difficulties in Comprehending Reading Narrative Text to the Eleventh Grade of SMA PGRI 1 Lubuklinggau. By doing the research, the writer hopes the eleventh grade students of SMA Lubuklinggau can improve their mastery on reading especially the narrative texts.
Based on the description above, the writer would like to take study and analyze entitles “The analysis of students’ difficulties in comprehending reading narrative text to the eleventh grade of SMA Lubuklinggau”.

2.    Formulation of the Problem
           The formulation of the problem is based on the following question:
a.    What are students’ difficulties in comprehending reading narrative text to the eleventh grade of SMA Lubuklinggau in the academic year of 2015/2016?
b.    What are kinds of caused the students’ difficulties in comprehending reading narrative text to  the eleventh grade students of SMA Lubuklinggau in the academic year of 2015/2016?

3.   The Scopes of the Research
The problems of this study are limited on the following points:
a.       The students in this study refer to the eleventh grade students of SMA Lubuklinggau in the academic year of 2015/2016.
b.      The analysis focuses on students’ difficulties in comprehending narrative text, with the themes of “Sangkuriang” and “Jack and the Bean Stalk”.

4.        Objective of the Research         
            The objectives of this research are:
a.    To analyze the students’ difficulties in comprehending reading narrative text to the eleventh grade of SMA Lubuklinggau in the academic year of 2015/2016.           
b.    To describe the kinds of students’ difficulties caused in comprehending reading narrative text to the eleventh grade students of SMA Lubuklinggau in the academic year of 2015/2016.

5.        Significances of the Research
      The result of this study is expected to give contribution to the development of the teaching and learning activities. In other words, study will useful for the English students, the teacher, the writer and the institute as follows:
a.    For the students
          The students will get improvement and can increase their knowledge about reading text especially in comprehending reading narrative text.

b.   For the Teacher
                For the English teacher, it is hope that this research will give information about students’ difficulties in comprehending reading narrative text, so that the teacher can solve students’ difficulties in learning comprehending reading narrative text. It can also help the teachers face the problems that occur during the process of teaching and learning in the class.
c.    For the Writer
The writer herself can learn more and it will add more knowledge in developing the creativity and innovation in analyze students’ difficulties in comprehending reading narrative text.
d.   For the Institute
It is expected that this research may be able to add the sources of books for the institute and can be helpful for teaching and learning process.
6.    Operational Definitions
To avoid readers from misunderstanding the terms used in this study, it is necessary for the writer to present the operational definition of the terms used. They are (1) analysis, (2) difficulty, (3) reading comprehension, and (4) narrative text.
a.    Analysis
Analysis means to examine the elements of structure of something in detail. Analysis is a systematic examination and evaluation of data or information, by breaking it into its component parts to uncover their interrelationships. In this study, analysis referred to determine the students’ difficulties in comprehending narrative text.
b.   The Difficulty
Difficulty is the quality of something that makes it hard to do. The term of difficulty in this study refers to any problems not being easy to do or understanding encourages the pack to persuade causes of the action. The difficulties also was affected the students’ assignment. In this study the word difficulty is defined as the students’ problem answering the questions of narrative text.
c.   Reading Comprehension           
          Reading comprehension means the understanding, evaluating, utilizing of information and giving the idea through and interaction between reader and author. In this study, dealing comprehension refers to the students’ ability to comprehend the reading of narrative text.
d.    Narrative
          Narrative text is a text that has an essential purpose to tell a story, the detailed purpose that started from orientation, events, complication, and resolution. For example, the purpose of a myth is often to explain a natural phenomenon and a legend is often intended to pass on cultural traditions or beliefs.
7.    Literature Review
a.    Theoretical Descriptions
1)        The Concept of Analysis
Analysis is the study of something made by the second and foreign language learner. Analysis may be carry out in order to (a) find out how well someone knows a language, (b) find out how a person learns a language, and (c) obtain information on common difficulties in language learning, as an aid in teaching or in the preparation of teaching materials. This definition stresses the function of analysis. According to Macmillan (2005:82), analysis mean process of examining in detail in order to find out what it contains.   
Moreover, Webster (2012) defined analysis a careful study of something to learn about its parts, what they do, and how they are related to each other.  The definition above clarity that analysis is an activity to identify, classify and interpreted or describe something made by someone in learning a reading text.
2)    The Concept  of Difficulty
The students need to comprehend the reading text, but can best do this when allowed to ask about what it is that they do not understand rather than rely on their teacher or text book to anticipate areas of comprehension difficulty and simplify a prior. According to Webster (2012), difficulty is the quality of something that makes it hard to do. Difficulties assumed that teachers can improve their knowledge and skills, not necessarily by following a particular approach or the findings provided by “official” research, but with and enquiring attitude which allows him/her to find out the most adequate technique in each situation.
 Each difficulty is different and needs to take of the teacher, the classroom context and the community with its local educational and intellectual traditions. And every language lesson on necessarily different and unique as the teacher and the learners jointly construct it.
Difficulty happens because it relies on the teacher’s creative provision of the best and possible learning environment and activities for his/her student. It is science since it is a system, an ordered set of ideas and Approaches used by the teachers in doing their man jobs: planning a lesson, implementing the plan in the classroom and evaluating the outcome of the activities. It is skill because it demands the ability attained from relevant theories and practice to assist students expertly in learning so that they are able to gain linguistic and communicative competence in the target language (Saleh, 2007:18).
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that difficulties is problem and troubles in accomplishing knowledge reflected in the form of propositions, example, the information on the form and meaning of a grammatical point, and procedural knowledge represented in the form of productions, example, answering a question of main ideas, general information, detailed information, included orientation, events, complication, and resolution.
3)   Concept of Reading Comprehension
Dalman (2013:5) states that reading is an activity or a cognitive process that seeks to find a variety of information contained in the article. It means reading is a thought process to understand the content of the text read. therefore, reading is not just a look at a collection of letters that have formed the word, group of words, sentences, paragraphs, and discourse alone, but more so that reading is an activity to understand and interpret the emblem/sign/writing meaningful so that the message conveyed author can be accepted by the reader.
Richards and Schmidt (2002:443) state that reading comprehension is the result of understanding the contents of a written text, it depends on the reader’s purpose in reading. Reading comprehension is the basic purpose for reading, underlying and supporting most other purposes for reading and more complex than commonly assumed. There are some reading strategies uses by good readers, skills essential to students’ academic success: pre-reading, initial reading, getting the main ideas section, guessing meaning from context, re-reading, and post-reading exercise. According to Krashen (2007:86), reading comprehension is the extent to which the reader understands what students reads, resulting from what students knew, before reading the text (background knowledge) and how students reads it. However, these types of reading comprehension skills are considered a successful.
            Comprehension is the main purpose of reading. In fact, without it, there is no reading since reading is the process of constructing meaning from print. Reading comprehension involves reading skills, such as; word recognition, comprehension skills, and study skills. Understanding a passage as the main point of this study is a part of comprehension skills.  According Nurhadi (2005:4), there are some characteristics of good readers, such as read clear goal, which is readable units sentences mind reading speed that is applied varies, critical reading read varied, rich vocabulary, know how to read that correctly.
Richards and Schmidt (2002:173) divides reading comprehension ability into three categories, they are:
1.   Literal Comprehension
      Literal comprehension refers to an understanding of the straightforward meaning of the text, such as facts, vocabulary, dates, times, and locations. Questions of literal comprehension can be answered directly and explicitly from the text to make sure that the students understand the basic or surface meaning of the text.
2.   Inference
      Making “inferences” involves more than a literal understanding. Students may initially have a difficult time answering inference questions because the answers are based on material that is in the text but not explicitly stated. An inference involves students combining their literal understanding of the text with their own knowledge and intuitions.
3.   Evaluation
      This level demands a higher level of thinking ability because the questions in this level are determining word meaning from context, finding main ideas, reading between the lines, drawing conclusions, making generalizations, and recognizing cause and effect reasoning. The text type of comprehension is “reorganization”. Reorganization is based on a literal understanding of the text; students must use information from various parts of the text and combine them for additional understanding.

4.   Appreciation
      The fifth comprehension type “appreciation”, involves students using both their understanding of the passage and their own knowledge of the topic and related matters in a systematic fashion to determine what might happen next of after a story ends.
Level 1 is literal recognition or recall. This is the lowest level. In this level, the readers understand just what the words mean. Such literal information may be the main idea, a set of specific details, or sequence of events. Level 2 is inference. This level of comprehension requires that the readers understand the literal information from level 1 and go beyond it to hypothesize about relationships, unstated ideas, and connections between ideas or events. Level 3 is evaluations. This level requires the readers to make judgments about the reading or to demonstrate the value placed upon the information. Level 4 is appreciation. Appreciation relates to the emotional responses of readers to a text. This level of comprehension refers to the readers’ awareness of the literary and stylistic techniques use by the author to encourage readers’ emotional response.
  Based on the explanation of the experts’ above, it can be concluded that reading comprehension is the ability in understanding will help them get the main idea, which is something important to be understood when we read a text, so that it can make them answer the questions from the text easily. Social interaction is one strategy that can be used to help the students to improve their reading comprehension. Interaction with the teacher or other students will help them in getting something that they can not learn with their own.
4)    Concept of Narrative
                Narrative is a kind of genre aimed to entertain, to gain and hold the reader’s interest in a story (Derewianka, 2004:127). Narrative also means the information of someone’s reflections in experience that nourishes and extends the reader’s imagination. Narrative text is to tell a story and to give account of something that happened in time (Jones and Farnes, 1982:48). Setiawan (2009:168) states that narrative text is the text about story or legend that purposes to entertain the reader.
              Narrative text is central to students’ learning. They use it as a tool to help them organize their ideas and to explore new ideas and experience. Composing stories, whether told or written, involves a set of skills and authorial knowledge but it also an essential mean for students to express themselves creatively and imaginatively.
According to Wahyu (2008:80), narrative text is the text about fiction, non fiction, legend, or society story. For example, the legend of Tangkuban Perahu and Roro Jonggrang. In addition, narrative text means the text tells us a story or event when can be in the form of story a legend, a fable and myth. Narrative is essential temporal. Like space, time is a natural organizer, ancient and simple. Hour follows hour, day follows day, year follows year, and life follows life. Again, the author takes the reader along the natural sequence of what happens, or to nations, or to any items in experience or experiment. The author can bring the reader to perceive it by following the sequence of things as they happened, stepping aside as necessary to explain background and simultaneous events, guiding your reader along with temporal signpost: at the same time, now, when, while, then before, after, next, all the time.
         There are many types of narrative, as stated at the beginning, they are typically imaginary but can be factual. They include fairy tales, mystery, science fictions, romances, horror stories, adventure stories, fables, myths and legends, historical narrative and the like. The essential purpose of narrative is tell a story, but the detailed purpose may vary according genre. Those kinds of narrative are usually built up by the generic structure as written by Pratyasto (2011:32).
a)    Orientation
It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced. (1) what is the story about? (2) who is the participant? (3) where is the place setting? (4) when is the time setting?
b)   Complication
Tells the beginning of the problems which leads to the crisis (climax) of the main participants.
c)    Resolution
It comes to a solution for the complication. In narrative texts, a resolution can be happy ending or sad ending.           
d)   Re-Orientation
              This is a closing remark to the story and it is optional. It consist a moral lesson, advice or teaching from the writer.

b.   Related Previous Study
             The similar thesis which is the writer’s proposal written Aida Agustina, a student of English Study Program at STKIP-PGRI Lubuklinggau (2009). Her thesis is entitled “The Seventh Grade Students’ difficulties in Forming Plural Noun at SMP Lubuklinggau”.
This thesis has similarities and differences toward proposal that is done by the writer. The similarities are that both studies talked about the students’ difficulties and both studies used the descriptive method. The differences are that Agustina’s investigation discussed about the students’ difficulties in forming the plural noun. However, the writer will discuss about the students’ difficulties in comprehending narrative text. In her thesis, the population is the seventh grade student of SMP Negeri 8 Lubuklinggau. While the writers’ population is the eleventh grade student of SMA Lubuklinggau
Agustina’s research found that the average percentage analysis of the students index difficulties was 73%. Based on the result her data analysis, she found that the students’ achievement of the  the seventh Grade Students’ of SMP Negeri 8 Lubuklinggau was in the position of “suffient” level in  plural nouns of words.
8.   Method of Research
a.  Research Design
            In this research the writer uses the descriptive method. Fraenkel and Wallen (2006:553) says that descriptive research is a research that attempts to describes exiting conditions without relationships among variables. Furthermore, the following are the steps in doing the research:
1)   defining the objectives in clearly;
2)   designing the technique for collecting the data;
3)   selecting the subject of the research;
4)   measuring the test;
5)   collecting the data;
6)   analyzing the data;
7)   drawing conclusions;
8)   proposing suggestions, and
9)   reporting the result.
b.   Subject of the Research
            According to Arikunto (2010:173), population is the entire subject in the research. According to Richard, et. al. (2005:220), population is any set of items, individuals which share some common and the observable characteristics and form a sample can be taken. The population of the research will be taking from the entire eleventh grade students of SMA Lubuklinggau in the academic year of 2015/2016.
             The Subject of the research is the eleventh year students class XI of SMA Lubuklinggau with the total are 32 students. Writer will take 10 students as representative from the class. The choosing of student depend on the high score to low based on the teacher’s score from mid semester.

 c.   Technique for Collecting the Data
              In collecting the data, the writer uses two instrument ; they are written test and interview. According to Richard, et. all. (2005:291), test is any procedure for measuring ability, knowledge, or performance. In this study multiple choices will uses to find out the students’ difficulties and the interview use to identify the causes of the students’ difficulties in comprehending reading narrative text to the eleventh grade of SMA Lubuklinggau, The multiple choice consists of 30 items and in doing interview the writer give for in depth interview to questions of the students. Its will include teaching material, learning facilities, teachers’ explanation. The time allocation that will be given is 45 minutes.
d.   Techniques for Analyzing the Data
After the data collected, the writer analysis the data with correct the students’ result and asking the students’ difficulties. The writer use two techniques, they are: 1) analyzing data from the test, and 2) analyzing data from the interview. In dept interview means conducted usually on one to one basis, it designed to reveal the underlying motives of the interviwe’s ,attitudes, behavior, and perceptions.
e.         Accountability of the Research
1)   Validity
            Validity means the tests must be appropriate in term of objective. According to Richards, et. al (1985:304) validity is the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure, or can be used successfully for the purposes for which it is intended. According Isaac and Michael (1985:120), there are three aspects of validity corresponding to the three aims of testing may be named content validity, criterion-related validity and construct validity.
In this study, the writer will use content validity. The test is made based on the reading text of narrative text. The writer present the test specification as the test instrument for the collecting the data on the following table.
Table 2
Test Specification

Material Tested
Total of the Item
Type of Test
Test Types
Students are able to find general information of the text

Students are able to get main idea of the text

Students are able to get detailed information of the text

Students are able to interpret the meaning of word based on the text
Reading test with the sub theme:
1.    Sangkuriang
2.    Jack and the Bean

to find the general information.

to get the main idea in paragraph

to get detailed information from the text

to interpreted the meaning of word based on the context



Narrative text
Multiple choice

9.    Tentative Organization of the Thesis
            Tentative organization of this research proposal with comprises:
Chapter I      :  Introduction consists of background, the problems, the objective, the significance, operational definitions.
Chapter II    :  Literature review consists of the concept of analysis, the concept of difficulty, the concept of reading comprehension, the concept of narrative and previous study.
Chapter III   :  Research Methodology consists of, research design, subject of the research, technique for collecting data, technique for analysing data,   accountability of the research.
Chapter IV   :  Finding and interpretation consists of data distribution, the students’ score of reading comprehension.
Chapter V    :  Conclusion and Suggestion
10.  Tentative Schedule
      a.   Preparation
            1)         Library research                                                               Maret 2016
            2)         Starting the Problems                                                       Maret 2016
            3)         Marking the Design                                                          April 2016
            4)         Making Proposal                                             April 2016- May 2016
            5)         Seminar on the Proposal                                                    June 2016
      b.   Data Collecting
            1)         Giving Test                                                                        June 2016

      c.   Analyzing the Data                                                                          
      d.   Writing the Thesis
            1)         Writing the thesis draft chapter by chapter                       June 2016
            2)         Consulting the draft with advisor chapter                          July 2016
      e.   Revision                                                                                          July 2016
      f.    Reproduction                                                                            August 2016

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